Suggested Supplies
"Please note that you or your student is not required to purchase, donate, or contribute any of the requested items on the school supply list. Additionally, no student will be denied from participating in any classroom activity if he or she chooses not to purchase, donate, or contribute any requested item(s). However, if you voluntarily decide to purchase, donate or contribute any item in any quantity of the requested supplies and provide them to your student's teacher(s), the supplies will be shared equally among all the students in the class in order for each student to participate in the planned, fun, academic activities."
Supply Donation Clarification
“We have received a complaint that our school’s web postings about school supplies were misleading and may have caused parents/guardians to believe they were required to purchase school supplies for their students. We apologize for any confusion the postings caused. Please note that school supplies required for students to have access to the basic school curriculum are completely voluntary. Due to funding declines for schools in general, we continue to rely upon and appreciate the generosity of parents and the community at large. If any of you contributed supplies because you thought they were mandatory and would like a refund of your donation, please provide the following to Cheryl Champion and we will ensure that you receive a refund: (a) a written request stating that you purchased the supplies because you understood they were mandatory. Please note your request can be hand written; and (b) proof of purchase of the supplies on the supply list. We appreciate your support and generosity and we apologize for any misunderstanding.”